In the conjunction with the released of Nintendo Switch's Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu! and Pokemon Let's Go Eevee! in November 2018, the mythical Pokemon originally found in the Alola region (Generation 7) - Meltan is introduced in the Pokemon GO app as a special research.

By completing the Meltan special research, trainers only get awarded with a Meltan and 20 Meltan candies. Whilst in order to evolve a Meltan into Melmetal, 400 Meltan candies are required. In doing so, a Pokemon transfer between the two gaming platforms have to be done to get the Mystery Box, which is used to spawn Meltan for 30 minutes.
Now 400 Meltan candies is a large number to begin with, unlike Wailmer or Magikarp or Swablu which only require a 1km buddy walking distant to get a candy, Meltan actually requires a walking distant of 20km for a candy. Of course trainers can use rare candy to evolve Meltan, but to get 400 rare candies require a longer play time.
Trainers can also transfer Pokemon from Pokemon GO into their Nintendo Switch to get the Mystery Box, which is now available once every three days. But what about those who do not own a Nintendo Switch? This might be impossible for them to unlock a Melmetal in their Pokedex.
Don't worry, there is a way to do so. You can look for friends who owned a Nintendo Switch and of course the Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu or Eevee video game to transfer the Mystery Box to you. Within two weeks, you will have a Melmetal in your Pokedex.
How to get a Melmetal in a shorter time?
Each Mystery Box allows Meltan to be spawned for 30 minutes. There will be at least a Meltan spawned around you once every 2 minutes. With every Meltan spawned, you can feed them with the Pinap Berry before you catch them, and this will double the amount of candy you get for each catch.
By using this trick, you can get of up to at least 90 to 100 Meltan candies from each box. Now remember that you can get a Mystery Box once every three days, so you only need to open four boxes in order to get enough candy to evolve Meltan into Melmetal.
You can stop right there after you got your Melmetal, or you can continue to exchange your Pokemon for Mystery Box and hunt for Shiny Meltan.
Can I trade Meltan for a lucky?
Yes, you can trade Meltan with your friends to get lucky Meltan with boosted stats. But take note that Meltan is a mythical Pokemon, therefore there is only one trade available per day as it is also categorized as a special trade.
You can also trade Meltan with your lucky friends to get guaranteed lucky Meltan or Melmetal.