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At the beginning of Avengers: Endgame, we saw Tony and Nebula were drifting in space in the Benatar after their defeat in the battle against Thanos on Titan at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. It was Day-22 after the battle on Titan and both of them were drifting in space with no food and water. But when all hopes seem to have lost, a bright figure appeared before Tony’s eyes. Yes, It was Captain Marvel who found them and brought them home. The Benatar’s engines were destroyed in the battle on Titan and Captain Marvel had to carry the ship back to Earth in Superman-style.
Yes, we got to see how strong Captain Marvel was.
The questions is, how did Captain Marvel knows where to find Tony and Nebula in the first place. Well, remember the post credit scene from Captain Marvel solo film which came out in March this year? Captain Marvel appeared in the Avengers facility and met with the Avengers after receiving Nick Fury’s distress signal.
It might have be the Avengers who told her to look for Tony and Nebula. But during Avengers: Infinity War, Tony was only assumed to be missing and none of them would have knew that Tony was on Titan fighting Thanos this whole time. That might be true.
Or it might have be Thor and Rocket who suggested her to look at Titan since that was Thanos home planet before it was destroyed. While on the way to Titan, Captain Marvel found the drifting Benatar and brought it back to Earth. This can happen too.
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